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Country: Philippines
Organization: German Red Cross
Closing date: 3 May 2021



Strengthening of Response Capacities of The Philippine Red Cross Towards Metro Manila Earthquakes - PHILIPPINES (2019-2021) -

1. Background

The National Capital Region (NCR) of the Philippines is traversed by the West Valley Fault System that is expected to move anytime soon. According to studies this could generate a 7.2 Magnitude earthquake with an Intensity VII ground shake, leading to a destructive scenario in the Mega City. The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) would play a major role in the national humanitarian response to this anticipated disaster as an auxiliary to the government and one of the country’s leading humanitarian organizations.

PRC partnered with German Red Cross (GRC) to implement the project entitled, “Strengthening of Response Capacities of The Philippine Red Cross Towards Metro Manila Earthquakes,” (2019-2021) as part of the 2019-2022 global funding support of German Federal Foreign Office (FFO).

The project aims to enhance PRC and its partners’ preparedness and response capacities to face the urgent needs of the urban population in case of a major earthquake in Metro Manila.

One of the PRC’s key interventions will be the operationalization of an Emergency Medical Unit to increase the capacity of health facilities in response to patient surge and a mass casualty situation. This Rapid Deployment Medical Unit (RDMU) is already prepositioned in Quezon City and institutional and logistical effectiveness of its deployment must be tested through a major drill.

2. Simulation Exercise Evaluation purpose and users

The simulation exercise aims at enhancing Philippine Red Cross readiness at Headquarters and chapter and partners in case of a major Earthquake affecting NCR. Specifically, it aims at testing the Rapid Deployment Medical Unit Standard Operating Procedure (partially or fully) in order to:

  • Capacitate staff / volunteers on the use of the RDMU (Practice vs theory);
  • Confirm / infirm some of the SOP “theoretical” parameters such as time, manpower, movements ….
  • Identify gaps: procedures, skills, material, manpower…
  • Identify improvements

Additionally, it aims at communicating with the partners and communities by showcasing the RDMU. The simulation exercise will be organized over one (1) day in Quezon City.

2.1. The purpose of the evaluation

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the quality and relevance of the Rapid Deployment Medical Unit as part of the Philippine Red Cross response to a Major Earthquake in Metro Manila.

More specifically it will:

a) Evaluate the Philippines Red Cross readiness to deploy the RDMU: what is the ability of the Philippines Red Cross to operationalize the RDMU (capacity to implement plans and procedures, availability and skills of necessary human resources, availability and quality of the equipment and supply, coordination with other stakeholders etc.),

b) Support and evaluate the simulation exercise and its contribution to the Philippine Red Cross readiness to deploy the RDMU in an urban setting.

The findings of the evaluation are expected to feed a set of recommendations for strengthening PRC readiness to deploy the RDMU and improving drills. Those recommendations will be used to improve the existing emergency response plan, contingency plans and SOP. They will also be the basis of a future advocacy plan and will feed the strategy for the reproduction of the concept in other part of the city or globally.

2.2. Users

The key users of this study are: the PRC NHQ (with a specific emphasis on the main implementers: Health Services (HS) and Disasters Management Services (DMS), PRC National Capital Region Chapters (with emphasis on the main implementer, Quezon City Chapter) the GRC Manila office and HQ.

3. Tasks description

3.1. Task 1: To perform a Situation Analysis

The consultant(s) will analyze the current project environment as well as the current state of knowledge in terms of simulation exercise evaluation and earthquake health readiness through:

  • Meetings with managers of Health and Disaster Management Services and Earthquake project team;
  • Meetings / interviews with PRC services, chapters, national and international stakeholders;
  • Meetings with the local coordination team in Quezon City in charge of organizing the drill;
  • Desk review of locally as well as internationally available documentation.

3.2. Task 2: To design the evaluation method

The consultant(s) will define a method[1] to evaluate the planning and conduction of the simulation exercise as well as PRC preparedness to operationalize the RDMU during the response to a major earthquake in Metro Manila. This involves:

  • Setting objectives for a successful exercise and effective preparedness;
  • Defining criteria to assess if goals are met and deviation from target;
  • Structuring an evaluation team and defining expected roles of the evaluators;
  • Planning evaluation actions for the different phases of the drill (pre-planning,planning during the exercise, after the exercise);
  • developing observation methods and a set of tools (such as recording forms) to be used;

The set of tools should cover all phases of the simulation exercise:

  • Before the exercise: in order to set the preparedness baseline;
  • During the exercise: to collect information regarding what occurs, the problems encountered, the deviation from planned activities, etc.… an emphasis should be given on developing a mobile data collection system (i.e.: online tools and forms) allowing a real time evaluation during and immediately after the exercise
  • After the exercise: participants feedback, self-evaluation …

[1] The evaluation method should be aligned with the “Preparedness for Effective Response (PER)” approach

3.3. Task 3: Observe and support the drill

The consultant(s) will observe how the exercise proceeds in reference to the objectives during the different phases of the drill (pre-planning, planning during the exercise, after the exercise). The consultant(s) will also directly support in the different phases and provide guidance and advise on the drill during coordination meetings with the organizers.

The consultant(s) will address the following questions and fill the recording forms designed in task 2:

During the preplanning phase:

  • Is the scope of the exercise properly defined? Are the stakeholders clearly mapped? Is a capacity mapping properly performed? Are the needs clearly identified?
  • Are communication and coordination with the other stakeholders effective? Is the target population informed? Is the quality of the information sufficient?

Before the exercise, during the planning phase:

  • Are the objectives of the exercise clearly defined? Is the scenario realistic and convincing? Are the sequences correctly defined?
  • Is the timeframe correctly planned?
  • Are the means allocated to the exercise correctly planned (funds, material, human resources)?
  • Is the coordination with other stakeholders adequate?

During the exercise:

  • During the entire exercise the consultant(s) will assess effectiveness and safety of the drill, in addition to the following questions specific to each stage:
    • Preparation (setting of the scene): Are the organizers using a pre-exercise check list? Is a pre-exercise meeting held? Are the players correctly informed of their role and the general scenario narrative?
    • Conduction (monitoring the action): Are the players acting as expected? Are the responsible managing the action as expected? What are the problems happening and why?
    • Recovery (returning to normal state): Is the exercise correctly wrapped up? Is the information clearly given to players? Is the site cleared after the exercise?

After the exercise:

  • The consultant(s) will specifically assess effectiveness and safety of the drill during the different phases through interviews, surveys and feedback forms filled by the participants to feed the exercise evaluation and the assessment of PRC readiness to use the RDMU in the aftermath of an earthquake.

3.4. Task 4: Evaluate the exercise and PRC readiness to use the RDMU in the aftermath of an earthquake

The consultant(s) will collect recording forms (or tools), feedback, critiques and suggestions regarding the activity or any other relevant documentation in order to provide a 3-steps sequenced evaluation of the exercise and assess PRC readiness to use RDMU.

  • Hot debriefing. The hot debriefing is conducted immediately after the exercise with the participants while the experience is still fresh. It focuses on the key points observed by the evaluators team during the exercise and opens on a discussion with participants.
  • In depth evaluation: This is an after-action study to assess the exercise and Philippine Red Cross readiness to use the RDMU in the aftermath of an earthquake. It is based on all relevant information collected before, during and after the exercise. It provides insights from the consultants and recommendations for improvements.
  • Cold debriefing. The cold debriefing is an opportunity for the consultant(s) to present their in-depth evaluation collect feedbacks from participants and other stakeholders.

Each step should address the following question if data is available:

Simulation exercise assessment

a) Effectiveness

  • How effective was the exercise in achieving its objectives? What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives? Where urban specificities (traffic, daily migrations, access, etc.…) properly taken in account?
  • What is the impact of the simulation exercise with the stakeholders involved as well as within the PRC? How has the drill currently impacted the concept of the RDMU?

b) Efficiency

  • How was the quality of the drill management, including pre-planning, planning, exercise and post exercise conduct? How adapted were the resource and personnel management and the communication?
  • Is the scope of the exercise (stakeholders involved, functions tested, number of players, …) adapted to assess with confidence PRC readiness to use the RDMU?
  • Does the exercise render the specificities of an intervention in urban environment?

c) Coherence and Coordination

  • What was the level of coordination between key stakeholders and how efficient was it prior and during the exercise? How efficient was the coordination within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement?
  • Was the drill properly coordinated with the other initiatives in the city? To what extent were emergency plans of different concerned actors involved in the simulation exercise were complementary or contradictory?
  • Were the communities specifically well informed and involved in the process?

PRC readiness to use the RDMU in the aftermath of an earthquake assessment

a) Effectiveness

  • To what extent PRC is likely to fully operationalize the RDMU in the aftermath of an earthquake affecting a dense urban environment such as Metro Manila? What are the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of this operationalization?
  • What is the knowledge of the trained staff and volunteers at QC Chapter and HQ level of the existing response mechanisms and their tasks?
  • How effective is the communication system? Do situation reports and data analysis follow pre-agreed standard procedures for information management and data visualization?
  • Are the staff and volunteers involved in the use of the RDMU equipped and trained for effective use of the RDMU?

b) Sustainability

  • Is the readiness of PRC to use the RDMU sustainable? Which measures were implemented to achieve sustainability?

Synthesis of Learnings and Recommendations

The assessment of the simulation exercise shall serve for recommendation for improvement for future drills. Problems that were observed should be stated and their specific impact on readiness capability discussed. Corrective actions shall be suggested and responsibility for implementing improvements should be stated.

The consultant(s) shall also consolidate knowledge to recommend clear and practical steps forward in terms of strengthening PRC preparedness for further use of the RDMU. Recommendations should emphasis the needs at Quezon City chapter scale, and draw a strategy the reproduce the concept in other part of the city.

4. Simulation exercise evaluation design and method

The simulation evaluation exercise will be conducted by a consultant / consulting company working in-country. They will be supported in their work by the Earthquake Project Team.

The consultant(s) will have access to relevant project and simulation exercise documents. Information which could do harm to any stakeholder if published should be treated in a confidential way. The decision about the publication is the right of GRC.

The simulation exercise evaluation, including data collection tools and methods, will be designed in collaboration with PRC and GRC as part as task 2 of the current terms of reference. The evaluation shall follow the IFRC standards for evaluation[2].

[2] The IFRC Evaluation Standards are:

  • Utility: Evaluations must be useful and used.
  • Feasibility: Evaluations must be realistic, diplomatic, and managed in a sensible, cost effective manner.
  • Ethics & Legality: Evaluations must be conducted in an ethical and legal manner, with particular regard for the welfare of those involved in and affected by the evaluation.
  • Impartiality & Independence; Evaluations should be impartial, providing a comprehensive and unbiased assessment that takes into account the views of all stakeholders.
  • Transparency: Evaluation activities should reflect an attitude of openness and transparency.
  • Accuracy: Evaluations should be technical accurate, providing sufficient information about the data collection, analysis, and interpretation methods so that its worth or merit can be determined.
  • Participation: Stakeholders should be consulted and meaningfully involved in the evaluation process when feasible and appropriate.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration between key operating partners in the evaluation process improves the legitimacy and utility of the evaluation.

5. Drill review process including timetable and reporting

5.1 Timetable

May 10th to June 27th 2021 (Tentative dates) 7 weeks


1-Situation Analysis 1+2 Week - 2 Working days

  • Meetings
  • Field Visit
  • Desk review and research

2-Evaluation method design 1+2+3 Week - 7 Working days

  • Method design
  • Tools’ development

3-Drill observation 2+3+5+6 Week - 4 Working days

  • Preplanning
  • Planning
  • Exercise
  • After the exercise

4-Evaluation 4+5+6+7 Week - 7 Working days

  • Hot debriefing
  • In depth evaluation
  • Cold debriefing / recommendations

5.2. Deliverables

Task 1: To perform a Situation Analysis


Inception report / Desk review

Key content:

  • The consultant(s) refines evaluation questions together with the project team during the inception period. Those questions, and potentially additional ones if agreed by the consultant and the project team, will be included in the inception report that is the basis of the common understanding of expected outputs
  • Detailed planning of activities;
  • Document reference list and existing relevant documents locally and internationally identified: Contingency plans, SOPs, Lesson learned from similar exercises…


  • Word doc
  • Document repository

Due date:

2 weeks after beginning

Task 2: To draft the evaluation method


Evaluation guide and tools

Key content:

  • Detailed evaluation methods defining objectives, criteria and indicators, planning and resources
  • Set of evaluation tools at all phases


  • Word doc
  • Sheets,Electronic forms / apps if format chosen

Due date:

  • Draft V1 – one month after the beginning of the mission
  • Final (end of the mission)

Task 3 Observe and support the drill


Notes and Supporting documents

Key content:

  • Minutes / notes regarding the coordination meeting with the drill organizers at each stage
  • Recording forms (or tools) filled
  • Pictures


  • according to format chosen
  • Word doc
  • Written notes
  • Electronic forms / apps
  • Picture repository

Due date:

End of the mission

Task 4 Evaluate the exercise and PRC readiness to use the RDMU in the aftermath of an earthquake


Supporting documents of the debriefing sessions

Key content:

  • Presentations PowerPoint and workshop
  • Minutes / notes
  • Pictures
  • Any other documents: tests, questionnaires, Attendance sheet, etc.…)


  • Electronic repository with electronic documents
  • (PPT, doc, ...)

Due date

One week after events

At the end of the mission


After-action report / Final report

Key content:

After / final report including at least:

  • Introduction (Statement of the problem)
  • Exercise summary
  • Accomplishments and shortfalls.
  • Debriefing / Evaluation
  • Findings and Recommendation: corrective actions for improvement


  • Word doc
  • Photo-documentary

Due date

At the end of the mission

6. Review quality and ethical standards

The consultant(s) should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the evaluation is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of people and the communities of which they are members, and to ensure that the evaluation is technically accurate, reliable, and legitimate, conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organizational learning and accountability. Therefore, the pair of reviewers should adhere to the evaluation standards of the IFRC as mentioned above (in footnote).

The final report will be evaluated by GRC based on a checklist of criteria. The consultant/s will receive feedback from GRC before the final payment of the contract is approved.

7. Minimum qualifications and Application Procedure

Only in-country consultants will be considered

The consultant(s) profile(s) should demonstrate the following qualifications


  • Graduate of Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Health Sciences, Disaster Risk Reduction, Development Studies, Nursing, Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science or related field;


  • A minimum of 8 years professional work experience in MEAL, Organizational/Change Management, or Disaster Management related work;
  • Experience dealing with donor agencies, government structures, private sector and NGOs.

Language requirements:

  • Excellent written and verbal English language skill.

Other skills

  • Excellent understanding of Simulation exercise management, Urban contexts, Disaster Management, Public Health;
  • Knowledge and skills in the use of Microsoft Office;
  • Be able to work with a wide variety of colleagues;
  • Ability to foster trust, and facilitate constructive, open feedback and discussion.
  • Ability to work under high pressure;
  • Ability to meet deadlines on time;
  • Creative, Innovative, flexible.

The application should include:

  • Technical offer including a brief description of the method and timeline planned by the consultant(s) (1 to 2 page(s));
  • Financial offer (Daily professional fee / total for 20 working days);
  • Others:
    • CVs of the consultant(s);
    • Full name, telephone number, e-mail address, physical address and contact person of the consultancy;
    • Example(s) of similar mission / reports delivered.

How to apply:

Interested consultants/firms should submit their application in English until May, 3rd, 2021

to: Arnaud Raulin (Urban DRR Delegate) -


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