1. Background
The National Capital Region (NCR) of the Philippines is traversed by the West Valley Fault System that is expected to move anytime soon. According to studies this could generate a 7.2 Magnitude earthquake with an Intensity VII ground shake, leading to a destructive scenario in the Mega City. The Philippine Red Cross (PRC) would play a major role in the national humanitarian response to this anticipated disaster as an auxiliary to the government and one of the country’s leading humanitarian organizations.
PRC partnered with German Red Cross (GRC) to implement the project entitled, “Strengthening of Response Capacities of The Philippine Red Cross Towards Metro Manila Earthquakes,” (2019-2021) as part of the 2019-2022 global funding support of German Federal Foreign Office (FFO).
The project aims to enhance PRC and its partners’ preparedness and response capacities to face the urgent needs of the urban population in case of a major earthquake in Metro Manila.
2. Health private sector stakeholder analysis purpose and users
The health private sector
The expected disruption of the environment after a major earthquake calls for cooperation among stakeholders to maximize available capacities. All stakeholders must be considered and potential collaboration prior or after the earthquake needs to be anticipated.
Among those potential partners, the private sector constitutes a poorly recognized and under-utilized reservoir of support. The private sector could partner for various activities such as:
- Skills / expertise / advice exchanges
- Manpower provision;
- Networking / contact
- Equipment and supply donations;
- Funding or discounts…
The purpose of the stakeholder Analysis
The purpose of this Health private sector stakeholders’ analysis in Metro Manila is to constitute a basis for future Philippine Red Cross strategy to approach the health private sector in the field of earthquake preparedness and response in Metro Manila.
More specifically it will:
a) Map the private sector stakeholders’ landscape (list and selected key information);
b) Characterize a set of stakeholders identified as key stakeholders among this landscape;
c) Provide an in-depth analysis and visualization of the key health private sector stakeholders;
d) Outline a strategy for involving the private sector with PRC in earthquake preparedness and response.
The findings of the stakeholders’ analysis are expected to feed a set of recommendations for future Philippine Red Cross strategy to approach the health private sector in the field of earthquake preparedness.
The key users of this study are: the PRC NHQ (with a specific emphasis on the main implementers: Health Services (HS) and Disasters Management Services (DMS), PRC National Capital Region Chapters (with emphasis on the main implementer, Quezon City Chapter) the GRC Manila office and HQ.
3. Tasks description
Task 1: To perform a Situation Analysis
The consultant will analyse the current project environment as well as the current state of knowledge and existing documentation regarding (private sector health) stakeholders and stakeholders’ analysis through:
- Meetings with Health and Disaster Management Services and Earthquake project team;
- Desk review of locally as well as internationally available documentation.
Task 2: To develop recommendation for a simplified and adapted stakeholder Analysis method
The German Red Cross in collaboration with the Philippine Red Cross has already developed a 4 steps method for stakeholder analysis. The consultant will only build on it and adapt the methods for the needs of the study.
- Step 1 – Stakeholders’ landscape: The objective of the stakeholder landscape phase is to constitute an organized/structured as exhaustive as possible list of stakeholders described with a minimum set of information sufficient to classify/rank them according to chosen quality criteria;
- Step 2 - Key stakeholders’ characterization: The “most interesting” stakeholders are selected among the stakeholders’ landscape; further information is collected to improve the characterization of those key stakeholders;
- Step 3 - Key stakeholders’ analysis: On the basis of the information collected, the stakeholder is assessed against criteria (relevance, interest and collaboration). Data storage and visualization are improved in a “stakeholder information sheet”;
- Step 4 - Stakeholders’ Strategy: Based on the analysis, stakeholders are gathered in homogenous groups, and a strategy to approach each group is defined according to objectives pursued.
The consultant will adapt this method to perform a health private sector stakeholder analysis dedicated earthquake preparedness and response in Metro Manila. The dataset and data analysis should therefore focus on the health private sector stakeholders and their relevance for PRC in the field of earthquake preparedness and response:
- Specific minimum dataset and recording forms[1] to describe the stakeholder landscape (step 1);
- Specific key stakeholders’ checklists and data collection method to characterize key stakeholders (step 2);
- Specific method to analyze key stakeholders (relevance, interest and collaboration) and specific data visualization method[2] (step 3);
- Context-specific strategic axis of collaboration: according to the timeline – before / after the earthquake -, according to the type of possible collaboration – manpower, skills, donations, etc.… -… (step 4)
[1] The recording forms can be both paper or electronic format
[2] The data visualization methods refer to the use of automatized ways of displaying data (i.e., through free Open-Source software such as Gephi.
Task 3: To collect data on the stakeholders
This task refers to step 1 and 2 of the stakeholders’ analysis method. It aims at collecting data in order to draw the stakeholder’s landscape (step 1) and for some of them to collect further information to characterize the “key stakeholders” (step 2)
The consultant will search various available sources of information to collect data and fill the recording forms according to the method and tools defined in task 2. For the stakeholders’ landscape, the collection will be based on secondary data and remotely performed[1].
For the Key stakeholders’ characterization, the Philippine Red Cross staff through the Earthquake project team, will support the consultant to access missing information when possible and to select important stakeholders that should be further characterized as “key stakeholders”. Identified key stakeholders could be contacted directly only upon authorization from PRC/GRC.
[1] No contact shall be made with stakeholders by the consultant in the name of the Philippines Red Cross
Task 4: To analyze data and identify gaps and bridges for future collaboration with PRC in the field of earthquake preparedness
This task refers to step 3 and 4 of the stakeholders’ analysis method.
The consultant will assess each of the key stakeholders according to their relevance, interest and collaboration (or any other additional criteria suggested and validated in task 2). This assessment will be done in collaboration with the Philippine Red Cross staff, through the Earthquake project team.
The results of this assessment are compiled in a stakeholders’ information sheet that gathers data collected, assessment and visualization of the stakeholder importance as well as the stakeholder network.
The stakeholders will be grouped homogeneously according to their assessment and a specific strategy will be establish for each group.
The findings on stakeholders and the suggested strategy to reach them shall serve for recommendation to bridges for future collaboration with PRC in the field of earthquake preparedness and response.
4. Stakeholder Analysis design, timetable and deliverables
4.1. Stakeholder Analysis design
The Stakeholder Analysis will be conducted by an individual consultant based in-country but acting remotely, without contact with the health private sector stakeholders. The consultant will be supported by the Philippine Red Cross staff through the Earthquake Project Team.
The consultant will have access to relevant project documents, specifically all documents related to the development of the Stakeholder Analysis method developed by the German Red Cross in collaboration with the Philippine Red Cross. Information which could do harm to any stakeholder if published should be treated in a confidential way. The decision about the publication is the right of GRC.
4.2. Timetable
Week 1: Aug 9 - Aug 14
Week 2: Aug 15 - Aug 21
Week 3: Aug 22- Aug 28
Week 4: Aug 29 -Sept 3
1-Situation Analysis
Working days: 3
2-Evaluation method design
Working days: 3
3-Data collection
Working days: 5
4-Analysis and strategy
Working days: 5
4.3. Deliverables
Task 1: To perform a Situation Analysis
Due date: 2 weeks after beginning
Format: word doc- Document repository
Deliverable**: Inception report/ Desk review**
Key content:
The consultant refines mission objectives, method, expected outputs and planning together with the project team
reference list and relevant documents identified: Existing stakeholders analysis methods, documented collaboration with health private sector in the field of earthquake, …
Task 2: To develop a simplified and adapted stakeholder Analysis method
Deliverable: Health private sector stakeholder analysis method and tools
Key content:
- Health private sector stakeholders’ analysis: adapted GRC method, dataset, analysis and visualization approach and definition of strategic axis for collaboration
Format: word doc
Due date: Draft V1 – 2 weeks after the beginning of the mission
- Set of data collection tools: Recording forms and analysis tools at all phases
Format: Sheets, forms (ie google forms) / apps if format chosen, visualization software
Due date:Final (end of the mission)
Task 3: To collect secondary data regarding the stakeholders
Due date: End of the mission
- according to format chosen
- Word doc
- Written notes
- Electronic forms / apps
Deliverable: Notes and Supporting documents
Key content:
- Filled recording forms
- Any other relevant document
Task 4: To analyze data and identify gaps and bridges for future collaboration with PRC in the field of earthquake preparedness
Due date: end of the mission
Format: word doc
Deliverable: Health private sector stakeholder analysis / Final report
Key content: After / final report including at least:
- Introduction (Statement of the problem)
- Method summary
- Stakeholder landscape list
- Key stakeholders’ information sheet with assessment and visualization
- Strategy to approach the groups
5. Review quality and ethical standards
The consultant should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the analysis is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of people and the communities of which they are members, and to ensure that the analysis is technically accurate, reliable, and legitimate, conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organisational learning and accountability.
The final report will be evaluated by GRC based on a checklist of criteria. The consultant will receive feedback from GRC before the final payment of the contract is approved.
6. Application of review findings
The following organisations will receive the final report: PRC, GRC, IFRC Country Office and regional Office and other interested stakeholders.
PRC and GRC can publish and make this report available through online and/or offline means as and when deemed necessary.
7. Minimum qualifications and Application Procedure
The consultant profile should demonstrate the following qualifications:
- Graduate of Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Health Sciences, Disaster Risk Reduction, Development Studies, Nursing, Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science or related field;
- A minimum of 5 years professional work experience in MEAL, Public/Private Health Sector, or Disaster Management related work;
- Experience dealing with donor agencies, government structures, private sector and NGOs is preferred.
Language requirements:
- Excellent written and verbal English language skill.
Other skills
- Excellent understanding of the Filipino private and public health system, Disaster Management;
- Data and information management;
- Knowledge and skills in the use of Microsoft Office;
- Ability to work under high pressure;
- Ability to meet deadlines on time;
- Creative, Innovative, flexible.
Instructions for submissions of quote
The German Red Cross (GRC) is inviting quotations for the provision of the consultancy “HEALTH PRIVATE SECTOR STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS”, under the project “*Strengthening of Response Capacities of The Philippine Red Cross Towards Metro Manila Earthquakes*”. The tenderers are requested to read carefully and ensure compliance with all instructions herein. Non-compliance with instructions in this document may disqualify the bidders from the tender exercise.
1. Procurement Procedure
The procurement is handled via a competitive procedure. It is conducted without call for competition.
2. Deadline of submission and period of validity:
- Deadline of submission is 03. August 2021 23:59h.
- Your quotation must state the period of validity, at least 30 days from the deadline for the submission.
3. Costs and ownership of tenders
- Costs incurred by the tenderers in preparing and submitting the quote requests are not reimbursable. Costs incurred by the tenderers in preparing and submitting the quote requests are not reimbursable.
- The GRC retains ownership of all quotes received under this quote request. Consequently, tenderers have no right to have their tenders returned to them.
4. Confidentiality and publication
- All recipients of tender documents, whether they submit a tender or not, shall treat the details of the documents as confidential as possible.
- According to German/European procurement law information about the award of contract (name of company, type of product, extent and duration of contract) might be made open to the public unless you disagree within your quotation, giving the reason of refusal.
5. Content of tenders and alternative offers
The tender submitted must comply with the requirements in the tender dossier and comprise:
Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Proposal including a concept of the approach and planning of the strategy as described in the ToR (max. 2 pages).
Financial offer and payment conditions.
List of references.
Earliest delivery and delivery schedule as indicated in the ToR.
Tenderers self-declaration (Annex: “Declaration of Conformity”).
Alternative offers are permitted and must be marked as such.
- Submissions in English.
4.Tenderer can work in a team but must name a lead consultant
6. Financial offer
- Tenderer must quote a lump sum price.
- Tenderer must quote a net price.
- All prices are in Euro
7. Submission of quote and further communication
- All quotes, including annexes and supporting documents must be submitted via email to Arnaud Raulin: arnaud.raulin@germanredcross.de
- Tenderers must raise questions in writing 4 days prior to deadline for submission of quote latest, otherwise the extension of the deadline is not feasible anymore.
- GRC reserves the right to continue the further communication after submission of quotes via a combination of media (e.g. post, email, phone).
8. Evaluation & Award of Contract
Following criteria apply for the evaluation of tenders:
a. Price of the offer in relation to the estimated budget (40%)
b. Experiences and references (20%)
c. Suggestions for methodical approach (40 %)
The total number of points achieved by the respective offer is calculated by determining the price point value (PPW) and the quality point value (QPW). Based on the point values Instructions to tenderer 3/4 calculated in each case, the total number of points is determined according to the weighting of price and quality.
For the price points, the quotient of the cheapest offer and the offer to be evaluated is formed and multiplied by 100 and the percentage weighting.
The quality points are allocated to the fulfilment of the individual criteria according to the scheme:
0 points = not fulfilled
1 point = insufficiently fulfilled
2 points = sufficiently fulfilled
3 points = satisfactorily fulfilled
4 points = well fulfilled
5 points = optimally fulfilled
Based on the given possible evaluation levels, the quality is evaluated for each award criterion as follows:
(Points achieved x Factor 20) x Percentage weighting = Quality points
Calculation of the total points:
Price points + Quality points = Total points achieved
The offer with the highest total points will be awarded.
In case of competitive procedure GRC reserves the right to award a contract based on the first non-negotiated offer. The GRC may – but is not obliged to - ask each tenderer individually for clarification of its quote including, samples, breakdowns of prices etc. within a reasonable time limit to be fixed by the evaluation committee. The samples will remain property of the GRC. The tenderer has to bear possible additional costs for a sample delivery abroad.
9. Terms of contract
The award will lead to a service contract by GRC and forms a one-time-service with GRC.
10. Terms of delivery and payment
The invoice must contain GRC reference number. Payment on invoice only, following receipt of services.
All invoices must be addressed to: rechnungsstelle@drk.de
11. Self-Declaration
The signee of the attached “Declaration of Conformity” (Ref. Annex) assures that Instructions to tenderer 4/4
- no reasons for exclusion as mentioned per EU guideline 2014/24/EU, Art. 57, Paragraph 1 exists.
- the tenderer fulfils GRC’s claim on good governance, environmental and social responsibility.
- the tenderer agrees on participation in checks and audits as described
Declaration of conformity
- according to procurement procedures for humanitarian actions -
The candidate
represented by
-representative's name
- address
assures that none of the following points apply:
a) The candidate or company are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations.
b) The candidate has been convicted of an offence related to his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata.
c) The candidate has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify.
d) The candidate has failed to fulfil obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which he is established, with those of the country of the contracting organisation or those of the country where the contract is to be carried out.
e) The candidate has been the subject of a judgement that has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the German Red Cross or European Union's financial interests.
f) The candidate has been declared to be in serious breach of contract for failure to comply with his contractual obligations pursuant to another procurement procedure or grant award procedure financed by the German Red Cross or European Union's budget.
The Contractor shall respect environmental legislation applicable in the country where the services have to be rendered and internationally agreed core labour standards, e.g. the ILO core labour standards, conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining, elimination of forced and compulsory labour, elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and the abolition of child labour.
The candidate also guarantees access to the relevant financial and accounting files and documents as well as other project related information and company registration data for the purpose of financial checks and audits or due diligence testing conducted by
- the European Commission,
- the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF),
- the European Court of Auditors and
- by chartered accountants / consultants / auditors commissioned by the German Red Cross or the relevant donor.
Furthermore he confirms to work together with above mentioned parties when contacted directly. The refusal to share requested data and documents may lead to disqualification from tender processes and cancellation of closed contracts.
place, date signature
How to apply:
Deadline of submission and period of validity:
1) Deadline of submission is 03. August 2021 23:59h.
2) Your quotation must state the period of validity, at least 30 days from the deadline for the submission.
Submission of quote and further communication
1) All quotes, including annexes and supporting documents must be submitted via email to Arnaud Raulin: arnaud.raulin@germanredcross.de
2) Tenderers must raise questions in writing 4 days prior to deadline for submission of quote latest, otherwise the extension of the deadline is not feasible anymore.
3) GRC reserves the right to continue the further communication after submission of quotes via a combination of media (e.g. post, email, phone).